Blog No.134

May 05, 2014   May 12, 2014    May 19, 2014   May 20, 2014 

May 22, 2019   May 23, 2012  May 26, 2014

Page Updated: June 1, 2014 0:09 AM

NOTE: " * " indicates a corrected or ammended posting.


Eddie Peltier, Richard LaFuenteI do my best to deliver factual information. The "Documents" pages are there for you to look and see for yourself. An innocent man is in prison for crimes committed by the corrupt, who run the reservation the way a criminal organization would run a city if they had all levels of government supporting and protecting them.

There are many more Good People in Spirit Lake than there are corrupt, evil people there. It is the system that is corrupt, evil and I expose here all that I can.

I can be reached at this email:  Contact Cat  . I respond to most of my emails, however, I reserve the right to not rspond to whack jobs. I keep all information confidential. For those who wish to attack, you'll either be ignored, or, if you are really clever, you'll end up on the Moron Squad page.  Some insults are more entertaining than others. I share with the class.

For those interested: The 13th Mandated Report is out. No government Agency has yet to properly reply to any of them.








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May 26, 2014 ---Printer Version (6)

Since the announcement Saturday that the President is going to visit one of the reservations in North Dakota, speculation has run wild in all directions. But like a laser focus, the Moccasin Telegraph has zeroed in on one particular reservation: Spirit Lake.

I can guarantee you that if it is Spirit Lake, it won’t be a photo op kind of visit where the corrupt get to put on a show, dance and drum and dazzle the top dog from DC. This will be a visit of concern. And well it should be.  Nowhere is there a clearer view of how broken and corrupt the system is, from every Federal Agency to every member of the Tribal Council, and all their political connections.

A system so broken that child rape is ignored by the  North Dakota USAG, Timothy Purdon who dismissed the pleas to investigate the rape of a girl who literally just turned 13 and was raped by a 38 year old man as “There’s always two sides to every rape story.” 

Or where the ongoing rape of a 15 year old girl by a  Level 3 Sex Offender is similarly ignored by the BIA and USAG, neither of whom think that the rape of a child should disturb their political ambitions, and so they ignore it.

Spirit Lake, where more than 100 children suddenly vanished from the rolls of Tribal Social Services, their files shredded, and no one knows where they are and no one is looking for them. The files being shredded as the BIA ‘Strike Team’ was in the building for those months.  One employee stating that all they did from 8 AM to 10 PM every night was shred files. Backed up by Kevin Dauphinais who admitted he shredded files while he was Director of Tribal Social Services. 

No charges, no investigations. Yes, by all means, take a look at what decades of corruption in every level of government, from Tribal to State to Federal has wrought: Missing children, trafficked children, Kiddie Porn that is global in scale and anyone who dares speak out about it is harassed, threatened and intimidated by the very government officials who are supposed to be investigating, arresting the bad guys, but choose instead to protect the ugliest of all Evils in this world, the deliberate harming of children.

Russ McDonald thinks he can play victim in this. Plea like the poor Indian trying to help his people… asking for more funds for Tribal Social Services.  No accounting for the millions of dollars that were stolen from Tribal Social Services by previous directors, even robbing the IIM accounts for the children, and the Social Security accounts for children in Social Services. No investigation. No arrests. “Please Mr. President, we need more money!”  Russ McDonald who has known about the corruption in Tribal Social Services for years, will act as if this is all recent and none of it within his power to do anything about.

I hope he wears Buckskins and beadwork. I hope they all do. Maybe he’ll paint his face and greet the President with a Grand Entrance or some other Indian Ceremony.

All of that designed to make the corrupt of the tribe appear as innocent as the children they have exploited and ignored all this time. Think you can fool him? We’ll see.

I hope Heitkamp shows up for the show. She can bring her token Indian with her. She’s pretty! Heitkamp can explain how her $4M committee has so far concluded that the abuse is rampant and that language classes and more cultural events are the key to solving this mess.  I want to be the fly on the wall when that discussion goes down.

I wonder if Marrianne McMullen will be there? I’d love to see her explain how she deliberately ignored the Ominibus Bill Obama signed and passed off the responsibility for protecting these children to the State and to the Tribal Council, all of whom have already contributed to the crisis by their own protection of the rapists and the murderers.

I want the President to see first hand how the ICWA treating children as if they are property of their tribes rather than as children who deserve protection from abusers, has created multiple generations of addicts, alcoholics, abusers, and I hope he gets a grip on why being treated like property as a child, with no protection leads also to more violence and more suicides.

The Children must be seen as Human Beings, not property owned by the Tribe and subject to whatever whims and perversions those in power wish to impose upon them. Human Beings unable to defend themselves as they are exploited and used as units to bring in more Federal dollars which never reach that child because every thief in that chain of grants and funding, has taken their cut, from the Federal to the State and the last thieves, the Tribal Council and their Tribal Social Services Directors, take what is left.  They refuse to have an accounting of where the funds go because the funds do not go to those children, nor their care, nor their keep nor to their education and medical needs.  They go into portfolios, property purchases, gambling and spending sprees.

There is no consequence for hurting a child, so more children are targeted and the harm is more gruesome each time. There are no consequences for stealing funds, even millions of dollars at a time, so there is no deterrent and the ethical need not apply. There is no investigation into any of the crimes so there is no Justice.

Without Justice, there is no civilization, only political warlords vying with or supporting each other’s corruption and abuses.

That’s why when Betty Jo Krenz speaks out, they tremble. She cannot be bought off. She cannot be scared off, she cannot be run off.  The FBI has tried to intimidate her and bullshit her, failing to investigate the attacks upon her.  I suspect several of the FBI agents have participated in those attacks and that would explain why they have never investigated even the most obvious suspects in those attacks.

Every State and Federal Agency has lied to her, ridiculed her, and tried to discourage and intimidate her, but she won’t be stopped.  All she wants is for the children to be safe and all the corrupt want is for the Evil to continue with no one anywhere standing up to it. It’s how they profit. It’s how they like it.

I would love to see Obama visit Spirit Lake. I’d love to see that motorcade roll in. I’d like to see how they try to deceive him. 

I’d really like to see him bring the full weight of the White House to Spirit Lake and bring real Justice to that one place. Prove to the Nation that in that one small speck on the map, Justice can prevail and children can be made safe, allowed to be safe in homes on or off the rez, where they are loved, protected and nurtured.

If we can’t bring Justice to that one speck in the Heart of Turtle Island, then we cannot have it anywhere. Justice is how we know the laws are there to protect us, not to be ignored when it is children who need protection.

We are not a civilized country if we cannot protect our children and bring justice to a place that has never known it, but where the people have hungered for it and died hungry.

Bring Justice first and that one place will begin to heal and that healing will spread like a prairie fire to all reservations, and throughout our nation. 

Crimes are being committed. Criminals are being protected and empowered by the corruption in the system.  Pursue the criminals. Make them run like rats. Track them down and bring them to Justice and then the people will believe in their community, their Nation, the government and the laws will have meaning for all.

Nothing gets better; nothing gets fixed without Justice First.

The Thunder Beings have returned. They bring first a Motorcade. Rest assured, there is much more coming.

I would caution every fake Medicine Man out there, Arapaho, Dauphinais, Chaske, Crow Dog and all, to not ply their Black Road antics come this summer. This is different. You were warned before and you ignored it, but this is different. The Thunder Beings are here. When they speak, everyone will hear it, everyone will see it and everyone will know it. Your mockery of the ways has offended those you pretend to pray to or speak for.  Those who follow these Black Road frauds, be warned, you are not safe.

Those who mock the ways have exploited the hunger in the Oyate for ceremony, balance, and healing.  You have sought only power, and now you will learn how weak and pitiful you are.

Rest assured, much more is coming.

Those who have attacked and insulted Betty Jo Krenz, know you have attacked a woman who has sacrificed more than you will ever know, to protect the very children you claim to love, but ignore and abuse. You are pathetic.  Betty Jo Krenz is known far and wide for her courage and her determination.  Your insults and lies about her are pathetic.  You have done nothing to protect the children and you attack the person who does. I pity your miserable lives.

Betty Jo Krenz is a woman of courage, integrity and truth. Your attacks upon her show you to be cowards and weak.  You care nothing for the children if you attack the woman who has been fighting every dragon on her path, to bring Justice and protection to the children of Spirit Lake Nation.

You think that by attacking her you are siding with the stronger side. You are mistaken. There is nothing stronger than the Truth.  Justice will only come from the Truth. When it comes, the corrupt will fall upon themselves and one another, and they won’t save you.  You are just another minion to them. You are just another minion to all that is evil in that place where you dwell.

The time to change is long ago. The consequences are nigh. There is no place to run and no place to hide.

What is coming to Spirit Lake is the stuff of legends. The stories that will be told for generations to come of the Time When The Thunder Beings Returned.  Will the People come together to speak the Truth? Will the people come together to protect the Children? Or will you cower and run to the protection of the Evil that has been feasting on the bodies of your children and spitting their tiny bones at your feet?

Speaking the Truth, about everything, and not stopping until there is Justice for the murders, the rapes, the child trafficking, the incest rapes, is the only thing that can save Spirit Lake from ceasing to exist.

Only the Truth has that kind of power. Evil thrives on weakness. Truth thrives on courage. 

Corruption has been feasting upon Indian Children and Non Indian Children for too long.  It’s time the ACF was made to answer for their support of the corrupt and their harassment of those with integrity. Billions of tax dollars can be better spent elsewhere, rather than to the protection of the abusers, rapists and the corrupt.

When the Hoop is made whole again, all nations will heal. Healing begins with courage.

Words From an Elder:

“The past is in front of us, I can see everything that has happened to us since we came into Being, including the path laid down for us by our ancestors. It is like sitting in a moving boat... I can see the boat's wake and whether we are on course. The lessons of our ancestors are going to guide us through whatever is coming, not technology.” – Woody Morrison, Haida Elder.

We are so far from what our Ancestors were. Our Ancestors revered courage, integrity and decency. It kept the balance and the people thrived.

Nowadays, the corrupt are seen as ‘leaders’ and leaders are easily led into corruption.  The people have become weak with fear and sickness, grief and abuse. The balance has been upset and the nation is at peril.  The corrupt see no need to protect the children, or to allow justice, or to return to balance. If the people cease to exist, they care not for they will have all the wealth they stole to comfort them.

Only the Truth, and the courage to speak the truth will open the path to healing once again. Only then will the ceremonies return to all the people. Only when the children are protected, their homes and communities made safe for them,  and the land, the water, the air they breathe are made clean for them again, will our nation return to balance and thrive once again.

This is our work to do, together. There is no other way.

The motorcade is coming because you, so many of you, demanded from the elected and appointed that they pay attention to this one small speck in the heart of our nation, a place that must be healed and the children made safe, or it will be known to all of us that children are not safe anywhere and the lights of our future grow dimmer and darker with every child we fail.

Think of Spirit Lake Nation as the speck in the Heart of the Nation. It’s tiny, but if it cannot be healed, the patient either dies or lives a life of deteriorating health. Like the sinoatrial node” which is just a speck in the Human Heart, but which delivers the electrical charge that makes the heart beat, if it fails, the heart fails.

Spirit Lake is in the Heart of Turtle Island, where the Heart of the USA would be if it had one. It is tiny and it may not seem like much, but if we cannot bring Justice to that one small place, we cannot bring it anywhere. If all the King’s Horses and all the King’s Men, and their motorcade, cannot bring Justice to that one small speck, it is proof that they cannot bring it to the greater regions. 

We cannot ignore that one speck on the map, in the heart of the nation because it is a sign to all of us of what we can or cannot do; what we will or will not tolerate from the elected and the appointed trusted to lead us and enforce our laws.  Justice is what protects the Children. Justice is what protects All of us. Justice is what protects our future.  Without it, we have nothing as a nation, and we need to face that now.

Don’t quit demanding answers from the elected and the appointed. Don’t rest until the children are safe and the corrupt are in jail. It’s what we all need. It’s working. You are making them listen.

You woke up the Thunder Beings. They will mete out their own brand of Justice and we best just get out of the way and let them do what they do.

Our part is here on the ground where we live, work and go to school. This is our part. This is our work to do. Our work to look out for one another, and to protect all children.

Write, email, fax & phone those who are paid with our tax dollars. Make them listen. Make them give answers. It’s not over with a motorcade. It’s not over until it’s over. There is more to come, and much more to be done.

Don’t ever quit.

Watch the waters ahead of you and check the wake of the boats that have gone before… the Ancestors have already made a path and we must follow it. Courage.

We must restore the balance and secure the future, or we as a people, our children and grandchildren, perish in fear and hunger for what we failed to do when we had the chance.

Stand up to Evil and Evil will fear even the mention of your name.

You know where to find me.





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The ThunderBeings are coming.


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May 22, 2014
The Voice of Outrage
--Printer Version (3)

The Grand Forks Herald did a great job of promoting Senator Heidi Heitkamp as the voice of outrage over the abuses of the children on Spirit Lake Nation Reservation:

Heitkamp’s was one of the loudest voices of outrage during the controversy over the deaths of several children at the Spirit Lake Indian Reservation in recent years, and it’s an issue she continues to work on.”

Oh yes! Do tell! *Leans in to listen more*

As someone who has been closely monitoring both the horrific reports of abuse, rape and murder of children on SLN and the wishy washy responses by politicians and appointees, I am stunned to learn that the same woman who could not be bothered during her campaign to even look at the problem (despite people asking her to, and her former position as North Dakota Attorney General where she obvious had to have an inkling or two… mebbe not?), and whose press releases have never once expressed outrage over the indignities, abuses, rapes and murders of these children; and who only recently formed a $4M ‘committee to ‘study’ the problem’ (and came up with the idea that more language classes, more cultural events might somehow be the solution)… the same woman who literally walked out of a meeting in her own office with Betty Jo Krenz: “She smiled, shook my hand, thanked me for coming all the way to DC, patted me on the back and told me her staffer, Tracy Sutton, will be taking care of this,”  is in anyway a voice of outrage before ‘during’ or after the deaths of several children on the rez.

Interesting that they use the word “controversy”. Since when is it a ‘controversy’ when children are raped and murdered? Why can’t even the writers that work for Forum Communications use the word “Crime”? How is it a ‘controversy’? What exactly is in dispute here?

It’s a scandal. It’s not a controversy. It’s a scandal and it’s been going on for a very long time, the entire time that Heitkamp was ND AG and it is still going on as she feigns outrage and comes up with solutions that are so disconnected from reality they are laughable.

“It’s an issue she continues to work on.”

Seriously? The same woman who walked out of the meeting with Betty Jo Krenz, who was, by the way, the one Tribal Social Services sent to the gruesome scene where Destiny and her younger brother, Travis DuBois, Jr, were mutilated and slaughtered… that is the woman that Heidi has yet to find time for in her busy schedule.  She has found plenty of time for other things, and of course, Melissa Brady, and of course  ops… she’s great at that. *smile!* *Flash!*

Do tell me about her being one of the ‘loudest voices of outrage’, one more time, I could use a good laugh.

Heitkamp has scheduled in another meeting with Betty Jo Krenz for the 28th… but of course she will not be there personally, she has already decided that a staffer will do.

Yes, of course, when someone claims the moral high ground as one of the loudest voices of outrage, walking out on meetings, dismissing the key players who are pushing for there to be criminal investigations (which still have not happened, btw, as no one in Heitkamp’s office thinks they are necessary.  If they were necessary, I am certain that a woman who was Attorney General of ND would have by now argued and fought for them, right? Language classes and cultural events…? ) when one can get the media to print any favorable image despite the evidence to the contrary, there is no need to actually meet with the people who are key to pushing this into the public view. 

Marginalizing Betty Jo Krenz, not even talking to Thomas Sullivan, but spending time with Melissa Brady, (How was brunch by the way, ladies? Good?), is hardly how one earns the creds of being any kind of a voice of ‘outrage’.

The real voices of outrage are still, three years and more into this, demanding criminal investigations and Justice for the children who have been robbed, raped, abused, tortured and murdered.  That is what the voice of Outrage demands.  Not Language classes. Not more cultural events. Not ‘studying’ the ‘issue’. 

These children are not bugs under a microscope that can be studied for the next 3 years while they continue to be raped, robbed, tormented, tortured and murdered. These are flesh and blood babies and children and frankly, they deserve so much better than Heitkamp and her faux mantle of outrage, which frankly I have yet to hear so much as a whisper from her, much less one of the ‘loudest voices’.

So, if the Forum Communications Group wants to interview the real voices of outrage, they know where to find Betty Jo Krenz. 

If you want to see real outrage over this criminal scandal, you can read the New York Times series (Google: “NYT: Spirit Lake” and several articles will show up), or they can watch Chris Berg’s show where the topic comes up. He was outraged.

Heitkamp really barely has this on her radar except as a way to exploit for personal and political gain and I am not in the least impressed, and neither should anyone else be.

She knows how to ask for and how to demand a criminal investigation. She just hasn’t gotten around to it yet. Maybe in 3 years or so, depending on whether or not her ‘study’ shows child rape, torture, trafficking, exploitation and murder to be ‘criminal’ or not.

Why has no reporter asked her why she has not pushed for a criminal investigation?

Why are the media so lazy or inept that they merely take dictation from press releases without even looking to see if such claims as being ‘one of the loudest voices of outrage’ even makes sense given the lack of anything concrete to base it on, and given how the facts of Heitkamp’s actions towards those who genuinely ARE the voices of outrage on this, prove she really cannot be bothered?

The woman is not a ‘voice of outrage’. She is not even a whisper.  She’s a fraud and she’s hoping you all see her wrapped in an Indian Blanket as the savior of children she continues to ignore, *Flash!* as she stands with and at the side of those who have been the abusers, the obstructionists and the exploiters.

I can hardly wait for her next softball interview. Who will be the stenographer then? Doesn’t matter. Heidi will tell them what to write and they will write it. No one need bother looking to see if any of the claims she makes are true.

After all, they are worshiping at the feet of a woman who thinks language classes are the thing that stops child rape.

I’ll say it again: Nothing changes until there is Justice. That means criminal investigations on not only the rapists and the thieves, but of those who have all this time, protected them and refused to treat their actions as crimes nor those children as victims.

Yes, things have gotten worse in the 12 years since she was ND AG. That’s because she did nothing then. What do you think we get 12 years from now? Or are we to believe this problem is only ‘recent’? Give me a break!

It won’t be long before we have to bury another one, or some horrific story of child torture hits the air again. Let’s be very firm about this, let’s give them language classes!

one of the loudest voices of outrage….” my ass.

You know where to find me.




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May 20, 2014
Fixing The Problem ---Printer Version (4)

Watching the news we see how agencies such as the Veterans’ Administration, for one, has become a complete debacle. Veterans suffering, dying, suiciding needlessly while political payback games run rampant.

Scandals of VA wait lists, mismanagement, lack of oversight and outright public deception have started to make the news in a big way.

It was not an overnight debacle, it took decades of poor planning, lack of real oversite and accountability for it to become the disaster it is today. 

Thanks in part to two wars of choice which added hundreds of thousands of new wounded vets to an already fragmented, mismanaged administration, the problem has surfaced into the light of day for all to see and be appalled.

The ACF has similarly been mismanaged and for the same reasons: Decades of incompetent appointments, people with no real credentials or know-how, being appointed to run these two critical agencies that are supposed to serve our vets and our children. The ethically challenged at the helm. How could they not fail?

It’s time that both of these agencies were removed from the realm of Presidential Appointees, making them more political than practical, and moved into a more consistent system of functioning, problem solving and progressing.

Those who have worked in the VA for years and years know far better where the system is broken and what needs to be changed to fix it than would any Presidential appointee parachuted in from above, with not even a working knowledge of the system nor a working relationship with those who have worked within it for years or decades.

The same is true of the ACF. Although the head of the ACF is not appointed by the President of the United States, it is the HHS Appointee who also has no working knowledge of ACF nor a relationship with those who have worked within it for years and decades; an appointee who gets the job because of political reasons, not because of qualifications in the field, who then is allowed to appoint the head of the ACF using basically the same political criteria, making the ACF a political vehicle, designed to inflate egos, resumes along political power grids, than it is to actually create and implement policies that protect children and our future as those children become adults.

Both the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and the ACF need to be fully removed from all political strings and insiders and handed over to a system that is much more relevant and functional and serves those Veterans and which serves those children and families, directly and indirectly through policy and practices designed to serve them, rather than political plums awarded to key players and their family and friends.

We need to remove both of these agencies out of the Political Cronyism pit and make them actually serve the people who served us in the military and serve those children and families who grow up to become functioning, contributing members of our society rather than Human Wreckage swept under multiple layers of political rugworks.

Each agency would function more efficiently and effectively if run by a Board of 5-7 members comprised of those who have already served in those agencies for a minimum of 10 years and who each know that system and their agency better than any political appointee ever could.

Those Five to Seven Members of those Boards would serve for a term of 6 years from the date of their appointment, and report monthly to a committee in the Senate and the House, the following: A progress report on any issues, an itemized spending account that shows how much each department is spending and on what, and a projected budget for each quarter.  Failure of any Board to issue their reports in a timely manner, within a scheduled time frame, would result in that Board’s chair being ousted and another member of that board taking that chairmanship, and another long-term employee of the agency filling their vacated seat.

Congress, both the House and Senate would then issue their quarterly reports to the President of the United States or his designated appointee who would then keep the President apprised of any progress or issues.

The Boards of these two agencies would then be tasked with appointing a Head of each agency who would answer to the Board, work with the Board to create policies and procedures that address flaws, makes corrections to policies, and which creates new policies and procedures that improve areas that are weak or failing, and which directly assess and report any departments, agencies or organizations that are failing to meet goals stated in their Mission Statements upon which their funding is predicated.

The Head of each agency would be answerable to the Public, Congress, and the Press to either explain the intentions of policies and procedures, or to inform the public of areas that require more attention, and to respond to any questions about issues that have become of concern to the public.

The Head of each of these agencies will only be allowed to advise the Board of who needs to be hired, fired or reprimanded, but it will be the sole responsibility of the Board to Hire and Fire department Heads by a majority vote.

This will remove any of the personal and political motives in both hiring and firing of personnel and will give these agencies and their employees a more consistent working environment not subject to whims and retaliation.

When these agencies stabilize, they will better be able to serve both our Veterans and our Children and their families.

This is just an outline for fixing what has been broken for decades but only recently surfacing in cesspools of ugliness and incompetence in the Public Eye.

There are ways to fix these agencies and to make them functional, practical and efficient as well as making those who run them accountable.

This way, we will get only the best of the best in key positions of agencies that are critical, life and death critical, to those who must use them or who find themselves in these systems.

We can weed out political organizations which, despite calling themselves ‘non profits’ have board members who make hundreds of thousands (sometimes Millions) of dollars a year in salary, bonuses and benefits, which in reality do nothing to improve the fate of either our veterans or our children.

We can take politics, cronyism, corruption and incompetence out of these two agencies in this way. We can save the taxpayers billions of dollars which were wasted and ineffective in the political clown car, and have a better, more secure future for our children, our vets and every single one of us that will live in that future.

It’s not hopeless, it’s just badly installed. We need to unplug it from the political influence wing and put it in the Public Benefit wing of our government. 

We have the best of the best working in these agencies, but they are not allowed to run these agencies nor have input.  In fact, they are often seen as a threat to those who are in Key positions, and they are marginalized, ignored, harassed, intimidated and forced to resign to save their sanity.  What a waste!

We, as a society and as a nation, need these agencies to serve the needs of our Veterans and our Children, not to serve as political ladders and bridges for fundraisers, friends, family, and cronies to become wealthy and powerful on the backs of Vets, Children and taxpayers.

Human needs are too critical to be left as political plaything for the incompetent and the corrupt. It’s weakening us as a nation.

Currently: The ongoing battle to save the children of Spirit Lake Nation in North Dakota as well as the blistering exposé run by the Miami Herald “Innocents Lost”, contain key players common to both places, tying the ACF and Florida's DCF into a corrupt knot of common political cover ups and cronyism proving that allowing neglect and abuse anywhere, allows it everywhere, on and off the rez. 

The ACF which has failed in its stated mission to the children in both Florida and on Spirit Lake Rez, continues to be run by the most incompetent, unqualified, mean-spirited woman, Marrianne McMullen, and her flying monkeys who gladly do her bidding in silencing anyone that would dare to report flaws in the system or children being abused, raped or trafficked.  You know there is more where that came from.

The ACF has not received the media scrutiny that the VA has, but maybe it should.

Both the ACF and the VA are a national embarrassment and shame our nation on multiple levels.  There isn’t enough ink or enough air time to describe either failing agency thoroughly at this point.

If we don’t fundamentally change how these agencies are run and operated, we can only expect that they will become ever more broken with each administration, and both our children and our veterans who depend on us and have nowhere else to turn, will be crushed in a system that caters to the political rather than to the needs of the people.

We can do better. We MUST do better.


You know where to find me.






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May 19, 2014
Feet Of Clay
---Printer Version (6)

Wikipedia defines the saying as:

Feet of clay is a reference to the interpretation of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, by the prophet Daniel as recounted in the Book of Daniel.

The analogy is now commonly used to refer to a weakness or character flaw, especially in people of prominence.

There’s more but you have to look it up yourself. This abbreviated version serves the purpose I intend.

The problems we have in our society today, on or off the rez, can be attributed more to the lack of Justice in the system, than to any other aspect.  When people feel they have no hope of Justice, they lose respect for the law and everything and everyone associated with the Laws of the Land, from small villages, reservations, to big cities, and to States.

Those who enforce the laws, and the courts that mete out Justice are therefore responsible to all of us, for how safe, secure and prosperous we are in our lives.  How much of our tax dollars go to unequal enforcement of laws not only costs us and are a burden on our economy, but also cost us on several other levels of our day-to-day lives.

How much we feel we have to personally spend on security for our vehicles, our homes and how much it costs us in insurance for our homes and vehicles and our personal insurance, goes up more and more when we live or work or shop or play in areas of high crime.

We pay more and we feel less secure because of the ever-increasing violent nature of crimes perpetrated upon citizens, seemingly at random.  We view the perpetrators of these violent crimes as ‘addicts’ or ‘low lifes’ who have no respect for the law or for other people’s property or other people.  

We think of these violent people as ‘others’.  We never ask how they got that way and why there are so many of them. We assume they are lesser human beings. We assume they are weak. We assume they were born bad or they ‘chose to be addicted’… And we are afraid to be near them.

We cheer when they get caught for their crimes and receive harsh sentences. But we don’t feel safe because we know there are more out there, just like ‘them’.

What we don’t see, even though we are looking right at them, are the monsters that created these ‘others’ from babies and children.  We don’t see how much abuse, neglect, how much violence, rape and incest many and most of these children endured or witnessed as they grew up.  We don’t see how many of the reports of their abuse, and the dangers they were put in, were ignored by the bigger monsters, the ones in suits, who laughed, ridiculed, retaliated against these children for reporting crimes against themselves or others. 

We don’t recognize the monsters who protected those who preyed upon those children, sold those children, trafficked them, exploited them, made money off of them and made money off of their predicaments without ever making a move to protect them as children.

Children who grow up subjected to those greater monsters, the ones in the system that battle, harass, intimidate, threaten anyone that dares try to protect a child, those children see what it takes to survive in that world.  They endure. They self-medicate with alcohol, drugs, reckless and degrading sexual activity to belong with peers who do the same things.

They become more angry, more violent, more addicted, while those in suits shred reports and have no fear of ever being caught because everyone in a top position within that system protects each other.

And that protection club means that even if one of the other top people gets caught breaking the law, violating their oath, allowing abuse to continue, nothing is ever done. Monsters protect other Monsters in that club.

Too often, these battered, abused, raped children don’t grow up. They get murdered or they suicide. Everyone acts ‘shocked’.  It’s assumed that nothing could have been done to prevent it because of course we assume that everyone in position of authority in the system, is doing their job. 

We assume that based on their clean appearance. We have no idea what they are really doing until we see the results: children brutally murdered, suicided, addicted, or adults falling down from addictions, or stories of violence, robberies, rapes and worse.

We don’t recognize the dots much less connect them that these violent, abusive, addicted, drunken, suicidal, dirty people were once children, precious children being raped, robbed, beaten, starved, while reports of their abuse were being shredded in some office where a government employee had no fear of ever being fired, no matter what he or she did.

And then, lately, we forced them out into the light by messengers who would not be silenced, despite the threats, the intimidations, the ridicule and the harassment these monsters in suits, some in heels, dealt to them.

They’ve had to come into the light and outright fight those who are issuing reports. They’ve had to outright move to silence those who make reports. They’ve boasted among themselves at how they have stopped the messengers from ‘bothering’ the other monsters in the club. 

They have been revealed for protecting the rapists and the abusers. They have been revealed for not doing their job, and they are becoming more and more visible as the force behind the injustices these children have had to endure, both on and off the rez, throughout the country.

But they think that they answer to no one. They protect one another. If they fail so publicly at their government appointed jobs, they easily move into another government appointed job, and suffer no consequences for their failures.

Watching George Sheldon boast about his ‘great work’ at DCF in Florida, and to hear Marrianne McMullen praise him for his ‘great work’ both at DCF and as her underling in ACF, when he in fact had failed abominably and children suffered torturous deaths in greater and greater numbers under his policies, while those who are eminently more qualified by education and certification and experience and who are diligent about doing their jobs with integrity, are harassed and ridiculed, intimidated and in some cases, forced to resign, we see both the shining head of gold and the feet of clay.

We want to have the best of the best in these most important top positions in every agency of government, especially at the Federal and State levels, but what we find are those who take the glory and the paychecks of those jobs, but who truly do the work of evil in breaking the children that become the future, and who are our present nightmares of violence, addiction, rape, and it costs us more and more.

Yet, we allow them to stay in their lofty positions. As if they do not answer to us? As if they rule over us rather than serve us?

Why did Marrianne McMullen, head of the ACF, on the same day as she met with Betty Jo Krenz, Molly McDonald, Sister JoAnne Streifel, and Robin Poor Bear, also schedule and appointment with Paul Hutchinson? A man who was so much a threat to the children of Spirit Lake that he was fired from his position as Director? A man who had his license suspended for his abuse/neglect of children in the system, was on her appointment schedule for that same day. 

Was she hoping to offer him a job? His character and his abusive personality would fit right in with McMullen and her crew of bullies, who silence Thomas Sullivan, harass and run off another colleague who had 40 years of experience in the field, Leona (Gina) Barbaro

Remember that Paul Hutchinson went to court to argue that children who had been raped, abused, beaten by their father should be returned to their father, even as he was investigated by the FBI and in court to answer for those charges.  THAT was the person who was important to McMullen that day. That’s who she went to see. There could be no other reason other than to see if she could fit him in as an ally in her mission to destroy Thomas Sullivan, who, for some reason, has not succumbed to the abuses of his supervisors and his Director. 

We know she didn’t schedule Hutchinson to scold him. So, what was that about? And does he have his license back? Did she help him to get it back? I am very curious.

Senator Heidi Heitkamp has spent the $4Million funds very well on her committee to look into the abuses of these children on Spirit Lake. She’s decided that the answer is more cultural events and language classes. Also, more ‘enterprise’.  Yes, by all means, bring in more ‘businesses’ to exploit the tax breaks and low pay of Indian Country, who can then hire as many non Indians as they want, and which will do nothing to change the abuse of the children at the reservation.

The only thing that will change the abuse of the children, put a stop to it, turn it around, is Justice. The community cannot heal without Justice being first on the list.

Justice means that the children are protected, not exploited for more ‘funding’. It means that a full-scale investigation goes into locating the children, more than 100 of them that suddenly, overnight, vanished from the rolls of Social Services and no one knows their fate or whereabouts.  It means criminally investigating those who have harmed these children and criminally investigating those who have facilitated and enabled predators to continue raping, abusing, trafficking and exploiting these children.

When the community sees that Justice has come, the community can begin to heal. Until then, it only gets worse. Not just in that one rez, that one speck on the map, but everywhere around it, and everywhere children are relying on the system to protect them and being let down by the incompetent, the corrupt, the outright stupid and where the abusers are being protected and their enablers are being lauded for their ‘great work’.

Until we get Justice in this one small place on the map, and until we prove that we can and will protect children in this one small place on the map, it will be known more and more that we can protect no child anywhere, and our future is crumbling, like feet of clay, every step towards the future.

And, if we reflect just a little bit, we can see looking back, footprints of crumbling clay that got us to where we are today.

It is up to each and every one of us to hammer our elected representatives and demand investigations and that criminal findings should be met with criminal prosecutions and Justice meted out to all who offend: Both the criminals we know of who are committing violence and abuses in our society, and the Monsters in suits and heels who created them by corrupting the system that was supposed to protect them.

Then we work at the healing part. Indians don’t need to be exploited. They need Justice--- just like everyone else.  Do this for Spirit Lake and you do this for everyone, everywhere.  Demand investigations and demand justice.

Our future will be more secure, and it will cost us less, and we can be more proud of who we are as Human Beings, maybe even as a nation.  Until then, our feet are made of flesh, blood and bone, and we need to stand together, or accept that the worst is yet to come, and we’re paying for it, and we’re bringing it.

The Truth is coming out, high and low, near and far, deep and wide. We are seeing corrupt systems and those who thought they were impervious to scrutiny or even the laws that govern the rest of us, have to answer for their actions.  It’s happening in New Jersey, where the abuse reached a tipping point and now more and more corruption is being revealed.  It’s happened in California, where State Representatives convicted of felonies were allowed to keep serving in office until the light began to shine down on them, and force them out of their power positions.

It’s not a Republican or Democrat thing--- it’s a corruption thing and it happens when people in power forget they serve the public, not their pals, not their cronies and it is up to us to remind them, and hold them accountable.  They are not immune. They are not impervious.  We simply must be persistent and we must become more and more united.

This corruption, this vile abuse, especially in the Dept of Interior and the BIA, has been going on for decades. It has infected other agencies, and it has a pattern that appears in other agencies. We bring this monster in, force it into the light, make it answer to us, and we demand criminal charges against the corrupt, and we begin to heal as a nation.

We have the power we just have to remember how to use it. Use it or lose it.  We can’t afford to lose it. We begin by doing this one thing, for these children in this one place. We don’t stop.  What comes from that is a better future for all of us.

Back Road Black Road

The desperation of some who have, for so long enjoyed and benefited from the corruption of the system, has them, desperate to stop what is coming.  The Black Road practices have a way of showing on those who employ them.

The little pink shell, the black fingernail clippings, the burnt offerings, the tiny finger wrapped in a narrow leaf, the copper horse that stands by and the smell of burning hair, won’t save you from the Truth coming out.  You can pray in your cave day and night and it won’t protect you when you are forced out into the light.

The Grandfathers see your deeds, and your mispractice of the ways, and they will exact from you more exquisite a suffering than ever I could imagine. 

Those who do these things, know better, but do them anyway, because they are cowards.  They know what is coming and they think they can stop it with dark prayers and burning blood and money.  They cannot.

The stink of what they do clings to them and when you are near them, you can catch a whiff, despite the over application of perfumes and colognes.  In that one whiff, you will sense the sickness that they try to hide and you will know who and what they are more and more as they try to hide from you, their crimes. 

Once you get that smell, stay clear of them. What is coming to them, like I said, will be more exquisite a torment than just their downfall. If you choose to stay involved with them, you will regret it. 

What is coming I cannot say, but I do know that it is on the way.  It’s coming high and low, near and far, deep and wide--- there is no place to hide.

For each of us, we do our part. We stand together and we demand accountability and answers, and Justice.

The Grandfathers deal with the other parts.  It has to happen together. The bad guys know this. That’s why they want to stop us from holding them accountable. They know that when we do, their shield is broken, and what follows comes from a greater power.

They will try to run to our side for protection, but each will have to answer for their part if they want ever to find peace in this life. They cannot run to us and keep their dirty secrets safe. It doesn’t work that way.

Only the Truth will save them and they will turn against one another while trying to convince the others to stand firm and stay strong, they will sell out as fast as they can, hoping for a better deal.

Those who get ‘a better deal’ still have to face the wrath of the Grandfathers for what they have done, and there is nowhere they can turn, no place they can run.

The Man from the Lake is bringing a list of names again. Monsters all. And when those names are called, we’ll all hear them loud and clear, far and near, High and Low, deep and wide Nowhere to run, Nowhere to hide. The Truth will be told and Justice will abide.

It is getting near. Feet of Clay; a once untouchable ring of corruption brought down in the middle of a bright summer day. As the system became more and more corrupt, they got greedier and needier, and they relied more and more on the very criminals that will sell them out and bring them down.  Suits, heels, mixed with illegal deals that made them rich and powerful, come crashing down.

It’s our work to do. Never weary. Never quit.  There are children, our future, who need us now. It’s getting closer.

You know where to find me.





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May 12, 2014 --- Printer Version (5)
The High Art of Mismanagement

Apparently, incompetence and extreme mismanagement at the top of the ACF is not unknown, nor is it confined to harassing and targeting Thomas Sullivan (Region 8), but rather, appears to target anyone that is competent, has superb credentials, work ethics, ETHICS period, and the moral compass to think that the job they are doing is important to both Government and to the vulnerable citizens who become involved in the system. 

There begins upon those individuals a campaign of harassment and petty tyranny, in what appears to be a ‘sport’ amongst those highest up in the ACF, particularly Marrianne McMullen and James Murray, who engage in what can be likened to a ‘tag team’ of harassment, with Marrianne “Heckuva Job Mully” McMullen, giving assignments to a subordinate of her subordinate, James Murray. When that assignment requires clarification or updating, McMullen is not available and Mr. Murray then makes unreasonable demands on how or when the work is to be done, issuing demerits or reprimands for his ambiguous, contradictory, or in one case, non-existent instructions not being followed to his arbitrary, fluctuating standards.

If the employee cc’s Mully, who issued the assignment, along with Murray, who is either oblivious to the assignment but gives arbitrary directions which conflict with the assignment, in order to get clarity, she was then, apparently, reprimanded for contacting Mully, who gave the assignment to begin with.  I can only assume that if she followed Murray’s wayward directions without contacting Mully, that also would be considered an ‘offense worthy of reprimand’ and Mully would then take the lead and issue a reprimand to the employee.

The employee, someone with more than 40 years experience in the field, Gina Barbaro, retired and issued an ‘exit letter’ which you can read for yourself.

It’s clear that mismanagement at ACF, from the top on down, is designed to harass those who were and are, the most qualified in their field, until there is nowhere for them to go except out the door.  It’s a loss to everyone who has worked to resolve the ever growing issue of crimes against children, assault, rape, abuse and trafficking.  Doubtless, Mully & Murray give themselves high fives for getting rid of the best in those departments, and in that agency, thus removing anyone that would dare to attempt to do their job, protect children, investigate any of the corruption/mismanagement issues currently staining and straining the ACF, and their unwillingness to do anything except shovel more, billions more taxpayer dollars into agencies that are either corrupt or incompetent or both, such as the BIA and their utter and complete failure to protect the Children of Spirit Lake, or even investigate child rapes that are reported to them on a daily basis.

McMullen and Murray have made a sport out of harassing & terminating anyone with ethics. One has to wonder why. One has to wonder how someone as incompetent as McMullen was given such an important position in ACF when her only qualification, if you can call it that, is that she was a Foster Parent. 

Like going to an airport and giving the top job for running that complex to someone who bought a ticket, or for an airline to give pilot licenses to someone who was a passenger, and calling that ‘qualified’.

Airports would fall apart, baggage would be lost or stolen at a rate that would discourage anyone from attempting to book a flight, and planes would be falling out of the sky like autumn leaves in a windstorm. 

And yet, with no qualifications specific to the needs of children or families, McMullen has the top job, and she can appoint or hire or recommend anyone she chooses, and she chooses those who make sport out of harassment to the point where the best of the best, leave.

Kennerson fits neatly into their plans. She also, from everything I have seen, appears to be incompetent and unaware of any obligation to protect children or facilitate investigations into agencies that repeatedly fail to respond to reports of child abuse, save to shovel more, millions more, of our tax dollars into the hands of those who fail the most.

Murray gave Barbaro a reprimand for not phoning in when she would be even a minute late to her desk, due to traffic or construction or weather. Marked her as AWOL when she was ten minutes late, saying that she was told to phone in when she was going to be late, even by a minute.  Given that in Maryland it is illegal to phone or text while in traffic, that demand seems a little harsh.  When Barbaro inquired as to when he notified her by email, as he claimed, he was unable to produce his copy of that email and it appears that she never received it.  Clearly, he was inventing, retroactively, a fictitious instruction, and then reprimanding her for both not following it and ignoring that she would have to break the law to follow it--- IF it had ever been issued.

Yes, mismanagement has gone to a very high level and become a sport among those in the cult of Marrianne.  Meanwhile, the children are being raped and no one is doing a thing about it. Not the ACF, not the BIA, not the FBI, not the USAG Tim Purdon, and not the HHS Secretary, (not the one that just left and not the new one that just came in).  Tell me again, WHY do we put hundreds of billions of dollars at their disposal? They either cannot or will not, absolutely refuse to, protect the children of Spirit Lake.  They excel at harassing anyone that would try. They excel at harassment and petty tyranny, holding the cult of office politics as their guide.

Yet Another Crazy Car Adventure

Heckuva Job Mully has decided to have a ‘workshop’ for her people. Not one that will accomplish anything save to put a fat paycheck into the hands of someone whom I can only surmise is yet another crony of hers, directly or indirectly.

The man she picked to facilitate this workshop is a man named Steven L. Bradbard out of Maryland.  She claims that this man was picked by the Training Committee--- and I just had to laugh:  Among other things, she has a “Training Committee!”. I have to wonder how much those clowns are paid given that neither Mully or Murray have any qualifications for their positions.

What kind of a worthless, meaningless exercise that would take valuable time and attention away from issues that those eminently more qualified than she is, are trying to accomplish in order to measure or identify some aspect of team work failure or success that she herself is incapable of recognizing or remedying?

She sent an email out touting this workshop and this facilitator as very qualified and how much she was… wait a minute…I noticed in her email referring to the facilitator that she called him by his first name: Steven; not by Mr. Bradbard nor by his Ph.D “Doctor”… so that tells me she is very familiar with Mr. Bradbard, who as it turns out, surrendered his license to practice when the Board found out that he was sexually exploiting his clients (women) in sado-masochistic fantasy themed encounters he had with them, whether they were married (they were) or going through a divorce (which one was after he began having an ‘affair’ with her). 

You can read all about Mr. “Doctor” Bradbard here.  It’s pretty disgusting. He took extreme advantage of women who were seeking his help as a counselor, telling them that engaging in his warped sexual fantasies was ‘good for them’, when in fact it was doing irreparable harm to them.

When Thomas Sullivan inquired about Bradbard, i.e., his qualifications, previous work, published work…Mully pretended to know nothing and advised him to ‘google’.

First she refers to the man by his first name as either a very familiar friend or a very unprofessional person would, and then she acts as if she really knows nothing of his professional background.  Apparently, had she done even basic vetting before pronouncing how wonderful he was, she would have seen, as Sullivan found out that the very first item that showed up on Google was a list of charges against him, which he wisely decided to surrender his license rather than face a full Board investigation. 

You know that if there were two women he did this two, there were more. Sexually exploiting the vulnerable seems to be a trait that Mully does not find fault with, which might explain why she is in such a hurry and a fury to harass anyone that dares report massive child sexual exploitation.  I’m just guessing, but I do see a pattern starting to form here.

When it became clear that this man facilitating a workshop would render yet another major black eye to the ACF under Mully’s incompetent stewardship, she blithely dismisses Sullivan’s concerns with: “we’ll find someone else to facilitate the workshop..” Not so much as a ‘thank you for your alertness” .  Given how short the time was between her scheduling the workshop and how short of notice she was giving to the participants (short notice is another sign of incompetent management style, or a design to harass those who suddenly have to shift their calendars around to accommodate her Majesty’s whims) finding another facilitator means even less time for vetting…. But that’s okay by Mully because she has a “training committee” who already failed to vet Mr. Bradbard. I’m sure she has ultimate confidence they can do it again.

There’s a course Mully should take someday: One that requires a Management Coach. I’m sure her “Training Committee” can hook her up with one.  Qualifications optional. The email between McMullen and Sullivan is here, for your reading enjoyment.

By The Way

Apparently, Mr. Bradbard works for the FDA.  See what I mean when I say that the most deviant, the most corrupt, the ones that hurt the most vulnerable are never without a job in government? Is there no one of character or integrity that is as qualified to hold these positions? Or is the entire system, top to bottom, rife with cronyism and corruption? Sadly, it appears that cronyism and political connections trump integrity in government. It’s time we demanded more and better than what we are being given.

It won’t change over night. We have to stay vigilant and we have to keep demanding accountability from every department. It’s been getting worse and worse for 40 years, and now it’s to the point where we can see that children are being raped and trafficked with no one in government willing to even investigate, and the most qualified, those with the most integrity are being pushed out of their jobs, while the rats run more and more free aboard the Ship of State.

If an abuser, a sexual harasser/exploiter can find a job in the FDA where he can then harass, sexually harass even more women who are subordinate to him, morale in that department, which is supposed to assure that our food and drugs are safe for consumption, will or has faltered and we are at even greater risk than we know as the more qualified will surely be harassed out or so disgusted by what they see going on around them, that they leave these agencies, rendering them more and more susceptible to the whims of the perverted, the unqualified and the abusive.

We deserve better than this as a country and as a society.

At this point, I think McMullen and Murray, as well as Kennerson and Timothy Purdon, all need to be investigated for their failures, their harassment and their conduct in general.  They should not be allowed to hand more and more money out to political cult members.

The sordid details are in the documents I have linked in this posting. Do we deserve better than these vacuous, incompetent, unqualified, abusive morons? Or do we deserve the best that our country and our universities have to offer?

The FDA, Just another glaring example of government corruption & cronyism. People die from their mistakes.  Children are being raped, trafficked, abused and murdered because they refuse to act with a single fiber of moral conscience.

There are really good, really decent people in government. They just aren’t the ones running anything. We should demand that changes. It’s time these appointees were held accountable.

That’s OUR money. These are OUR children. This is OUR Future.  Those in charge of ACF can’t be trusted.  They’ve proved that over and over again.  

You know where to find me.


NOTE: All highlighting, arrows and emphasis on the linked pdf documents, are mine.



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May 5, 2014 ---- Printer Version (6)
I Don’t Know What To Title This One

The video I am showing you here (web version only) that tells the story of a Foster Family in South Dakota whose story directly mirrors hundreds of stories I have heard directly or indirectly, of children being snatched out of nurturing, caring, protective Foster homes, and thrown into snake pits of abuse, neglect and worse.

This story is hard to watch, but watch it you must. Most of the families that have gone through this and are currently going through this don’t have the wherewithal to post a video of their nightmare. 

When you watch this, you have to remember that there are hundreds of families in North Dakota going through this, as well as just as many or more in South Dakota, Minnesota, everywhere that the Federal Government has abandoned its responsibility to protect children from abuse.


Every story comes down to corrupt tribal councils, corrupt tribal judges, corrupt judges and a system that allows this horror to continue and grow worse.  You can see by this family’s fight to save three children who are being horribly abused, that the system was never intended to protect children, despite whatever title the programs have, or the agencies that run them call themselves.  If they were ever designed to protect children, they would have gotten better over time, not worse.

The Federal Government moves hundreds of billions of dollars around in this system. They set up an elaborate Rube Goldberg structure that defines the need, such as Child Protection or Suicide Prevention, and then they set up a series of steps involving States, Counties, Tribes, Foundations, Organizations, Individual Agencies which all take a cut of that money before it ever gets to anyone actually doing the work of reporting or protecting children from Child Abuse or addressing Suicide.

The goal is not to protect the children or prevent suicides or any of the other noble-titled programs, but rather to generate more steps which will generate more funds for more people in the political system that can then use that money to create or enhance political power bases that support the system, not the children.

An example or two, and there are thousands, is that the head of the ACF, Marrianne McMullen,  has no training, no education whatsoever in Child Development, Child Welfare, or Social Services… she was once a Foster Mother, so she gets to run the entire multi-billion dollar agency for the entire country.

She has no clue how to run that agency and that’s just fine with those at the Federal Level who appointed her. She can generate more funds to go to more agencies and more foundations which in turn lend their support to political candidates who support the same goals of enhancing their own power bases, political influence and they all protect each other.  McMullen has no clue as to how to fix the problem because she cannot see any problem except that people keep pointing out that children are being raped and abused and she really wishes people would stop reporting that, it’s ruining her day.

She ignores the President’s Omnibus Bill that clearly states that the Children of Spirit Lake are the responsibility of the Federal Government. She ignores it. Presidents come and go, but she will never be out of a job, regardless of how badly she fails at doing any of them. There will always be another political appointment for her to fall into, whether she is qualified or not.

She can ignore the President of the United States and she can ignore the terrified screams of children whose names she never knew, or forgets as soon as the news stories of their nightmares and their murders die down.

Tim Purdon responds to overwhelming evidence of child abuse, child rape and corruption that he has ignored, when the nightmares are revealed in the media after the children are dead or after the children show up in horror stories by saying he investigates ALL reports of abuse… clearly a lie, to all of us, in that he has not investigated a single case of child rape on the rez (ok, just ONE case) despite hundreds of cases of horrific abuse and child rape being reported every month.

In fact, the thirteen-year old girl that was raped by the 38 year old man is a report that he dismisses out of hand saying ‘there’s always two sides to a rape story’… no investigation, but the girl was taken away from her mother as punishment to her and her mother for daring to report the case in the first place.

A Fifteen-year old girl, being raped multiple times by a level 3 sex offender is still waiting for an investigation to begin. She was told it would take at least 30 days from the time she reported it to get an investigation started.  That was last November. He’s still raping her. There is still no investigation.

So there is no amount of lies that those who have the power, authority and the obligation to protect these children won’t tell you to just make you go away thinking they are doing their job.

None of them are doing their job. They don’t want to do their job. That would upset the entire system that relies on billions of tax dollars to fund their lavish lifestyles and the foundations that they all get involved with that hold even more fund raisers that do absolutely nothing to protect these kids.

It’s clear that the tribal governments are corrupt. Why wouldn’t they be? There is no oversight on anything they do. They get elected by having massive families to vote for them and access to thousands of dollars with which to buy booze and truck in more votes.  The Good People of Spirit Lake have no one to turn to and nowhere to go.  Nor does any tribe anywhere.

Millions and billions of dollars are embezzled, converted, and outright stolen and the Federal Government’s response to all of this is to shovel more money at those who steal it, in all levels of government.  If they stop the flow of money and address the corruption at the Tribal level, it will have a domino effect that would expose corruption at the county, state and Federal levels and we would demand those also change.  Imagine that.

The reason I pursue Spirit Lake is because everything that is wrong with the system is obvious and easy to see there. The Tribal Council is corrupt from top to bottom. The Federal Government has no intention of taking responsibility in investigating child abuse or child rape.  It’s only going to get worse.

What you see in Spirit Lake is what happens when the Federal Government fosters an atmosphere of anything goes corruption. You want to steal millions? Go for it. You want to rape children? Feel free. The Federal Government will ignore all reports of abuse, child rape or Human Trafficking. 

They will, if you make them uncomfortable enough, make more speeches, put on a dog and pony show, lie outright to media, shovel more money to their friends and cronies, but they absolutely will NOT investigate the reports of child abuse or child rape or child trafficking.  That would step on too many toes.  They would run the risk of their peers being exposed for their parts in these crimes, directly or indirectly benefiting or prospering from these crimes against children.  Not to mention all the other crimes.

And, as the Miami Herald Series on “Innocence Lost” reveals… the practice of abusing children, placing them in danger, allowing them to be raped and murdered while ignoring reports of their peril, and even lying about how many children were murdered, is not confined to Indian Country. It is a practice that was perfected in Indian Country, and is now, with the appointment of unqualified morons such as Marianne McMullen, who hired the man who so drastically wronged the children of Florida and then lied about how many were killed (George Sheldon), as her sidekick.

The only efforts that have come from the Federal Government have been to silence those who dare to speak up or point out that children are in danger. They bully, intimidate, ridicule, threaten and where possible, ignore those who report and their reports.

They want it to be the Tribe’s responsibility. But they won’t hold the Tribal government accountable in any way for their corruption or failure to protect these children. 

It becomes clear: If you are an Indian Child you are not entitled to any protection whatsoever. If you are raped, starved, beaten, tortured, and your tribal government does nothing about it, neither will the Federal government.  That’s the end of the story as far as McMullen is concerned. And the end of the story as far as the BIA, HHS, FBI and DOJ are concerned.  Child rape, Child trafficking, criminally corrupt tribal government chooses to ignore it or profit from it, so be it.

The same system of corruption that allowed the Turdclan to murder Eddie Peltier and frame 11 innocent young men for that crime, and convict them, has now evolved to openly allowing child trafficking, child rape and child torture without consequence… unless the newspapers run a story on it, in which case, the government agencies that allowed and encouraged the corruption and abuse will quickly absolve themselves of any accountability, and make a big display of ‘getting to the bottom of this’ and putting on a show trial that only names the abuser/murderer as guilty--- not any of those who ignored the reports of that person being a danger to the child.

No one in State, County, Federal government that failed to do even the most basic of their responsibilities  will ever be held accountable.

The mess in Spirit Lake will never be cleaned up.  If we managed to protect the children in that one place it would set a precedent by which other tribes would be forced to address their corruption, protect their children and so would the Federal Government and all their corruption be exposed, bringing down some high and mighty politicians and their friends, like dominoes.

Spirit Lake is the one place that Tim Purdon is most afraid to investigate any crimes against children, regardless of who reports them.  Spirit Lake is where most of the evil is rooted.  Clean up Spirit Lake and the rest of the agencies, tribal governments will be swept up by the precedents set there. People will have the power to pursue recourse and demand action.

You’ll note in that video I posted that the family that was able to control the tribal court in South Dakota also had all the elements of corruption that are in place in Spirit Lake. The corrupt are either on the tribal council or have relatives on Tribal Council or both, and that, for the Federal Government, is as good as gold.

If the system was meant to protect children, it would not continue to fail at the same places, over and over again. If it was meant to protect children, it would not be allowing more and more children to be trafficked, abused, robbed and raped.

The system itself is corrupt. They say they defer to ‘sovereignty’ but the Federal Protocol demands that the Federal government not defer to sovereignty and sovereignty cannot be used as a shield to protect the corrupt, the child rapists and traffickers.  It is the Federal Government’s choice to allow these crimes against children and it is the tribal government’s choice to protect the abusers, child rapists.

Lately, in Spirit Lake, there was at a District meeting, a call to exclude Betty Jo Krenz from the Reservation.  Betty Jo, who has committed no crime, has only worked and devoted her efforts to helping the children, is someone they want to exclude from their boundaries.  They never choose to exclude the rapists. They never choose to exclude those who torture the children. They never choose to exclude anyone that steals from the children’s funds… they never choose to exclude anyone that steals from the tribe… but they want to exclude Betty Jo Krenz, ‘because she brings bad publicity’ to the tribe.

No, she does not. She brings hope and help. She works with people who are trying to save the children from torture, rape, abuse and being trafficked. The “bad publicity” is not the problem; the ongoing rape, abuse, corruption and torture of children is the problem.

But as long as the real problem can be dismissed as ‘bad publicity’, the real horrors, the real crimes against children can continue with no one raising a finger to stop any of it.

When the Federal Government abdicates entirely its responsibility for the protection of these children, when corrupt tribal courts, tribal governments are allowed to abuse the entire tribe and no one in that tribe has any recourse, and nowhere to turn, what do you think will happen when people get fed up with ‘waiting’ for Federal Government to come to their aid?

I’ll tell you. It’s already happening. Children who are abused grow into adults that have no respect for the laws that have only shown them the backhand slap-down of ignoring their pain and their suffering all their lives. They will not grow into adults that respect the same laws that were never there to protect them as children.

Those who have no regard for the law and who have only known abuse and violence all their lives grow into people who resolve all conflicts and frustrations with violence of their own.  They were never shown parenting skills and they will have no way of coping with children of their own except to repeat on them, what they experienced when they were young.

And that’s the least of it. All the while, Marrianne McMullen and her ilk, will continue to draw huge government salaries, have permanent job security, or fall out of one failed job into another appointment, and another, with no fear for their financial or social security.  

They will be well-paid, they will travel in circles of political power regardless of how many children are raped, or die.  There are no consequences for those in Tribal government who rape, rob, steal, traffic or worse. There are no consequences to anyone in Federal government who fail to respond to the reports, fail to investigate the crimes against children.

The only ones at risk or in danger are the children, or the people who try to protect them.

Nothing changes unless we demand these stories be told, over and over again until something is done about them. People ask me “What can I do to help?” I tell them that we are wrestling octopi here, grab a tentacle, start stabbing at it, and hang on.

Take any one of these stories, even this one on video posted on my site and at Christian Alliance For Indian Child Welfare ‘s site, and pester the daylights out of media to investigate and demand answers and ACTION from our lawmakers on that single case.  Pick any case and demand, demand, demand. Don’t be silent. We can’t solve all of them all at once, but we can pick a case and work with that until we have knocked on every door, dialed up, emailed, faxed and buttonholed everyone in media and everyone in government and made them answer to us.  And when they refuse or they get tired of it, we start all over and do it all again.

This story so directly mirrors so many stories that I have heard, both on and off the reservation where children have been used as ‘paychecks’, bled of all their dignity, left to rot in abuse and infested pits of horror. 

We can demand that unqualified morons like Marrianne McMullen be removed from her top/key position and replaced with someone that is eminently more qualified. Someone with both the education and qualifications required to run an agency that is responsible for the safety and well-being of children all over the country, and not just a political puppet being rewarded by political appointment because of her ‘connections’.

If the children of this nation are important to us, and if you know they are the future that will either make us more secure or more terrified to step out of our door, then you will take this fight up as if your life depended on it, because it does.

The anger, violence, addiction, abuse and disrespect that creates the increasing levels of insecurity in our own homes and neighborhoods comes from generations of government failing to respect, protect or care about the children placed in their care.

We live now afraid that our locks on our doors are not enough. We spend billions of our tax dollars to protect children, but children are not protected while politically connected foundations and organizations, seem to be thriving and able to throw lavish fundraisers and give themselves plaques of appreciation for doing so well when they have done, really, nothing but promote themselves.

We live in a time when success is not measured by how many people you have helped or how much better you have left this world after you are gone, but rather by how much wealth you accumulated, and by how politically powerful you and your  friends are.

It’s time we measured success, both personal and political, by how much better off the children are because of what we have done: All the children.  We have to work together.  We have to want to change this. We have to realize that we can and that we must.

No one can do this alone. One family cannot do this alone. One tribe cannot do this alone… we are ALL Related. Grab any piece of this and start working on it. Make it yours.

You know where to find me.






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